Dark Tales
Embark on a journey through grimly reimagined fairy tales with the Dark Tales card game. Set in a world where eerie creatures and nefarious characters abound, players must strategically utilize characters, events, and magical items to outwit their opponents. With a constantly shifting landscape driven by diverse setting cards, each playthrough offers a unique narrative and strategic challenge. Whether deploying a timely sword or a cunning spell, mastering the interactions between cards is the key to victory.
Key Features:
- Unique gameplay inspired by dark retellings of classic fairy tales.
- Dynamic game environment with changing powers due to varied setting cards.
- Strategic interaction between characters, events, and magic items.
Contents Include:
- 48 playing cards
- 6 setting cards
- 8 gold coins
- 4 swords
- 4 armours
- 4 magic wands
- 66 victory points tokens
- 1 rulebook
Additional Details:
Number of Players: 2 – 4
Playing Time: 30 minutes
Recommended Age: 14+
Manufacturer: DV Giochi